Back Light With Flash |
I picked this location because it was strongly back lit from the outside. This created a problem with the camera underexposing my subject, Nikki and Dart. This photo is part of a lesson project that I am learning from an online photography course produced by Lynda.com.
First, I had to take the ambient exposure down by slowing the camera's shutter speed. The two kinds of light, key light and fill light, are controlled differently. Key, or ambient light is controlled with shutter speed. Fill light is controlled with either flash or some other kind of direct lighting source. I used the camera's flash for this photo.
I shot this in manual mode for more control while I'm learning, but it can also be shot in shutter priority. After taking the ambient (outside) exposure down about two stops, I then deployed my flash to create fill light for Nikki and Dart. As it turns out, Canon typically over exposes with flash, so I had to use the flash compensation feature of the camera to reduce the flash exposure, about 1 stop.
After several tries, I achieved this photo. The house and shrubs across the street are fairly accurate, and my wife and dog are well lit. Nikki was such a good sport and subject for this photo. Most women won't allow someone to post their photo on the internet. And really, my photography does not do justice to Nikki's good looks.
As far as Dart goes? Well, Dart is Dart. What can I say, lol?
I finished the photo with a small crop in Lightroom.