Friday, January 3, 2014

My First Photo Using Lightroom 5

We don't have a Whole Foods Market where we live, so when we travel it is a treat to visit. This one is in Davis, CA. We had a great salad lunch at Plutos, next door. Then, we stopped by to get some fresh organic oranges.

This is the first photo that I have run through Lightroom. Yes, I upgraded my operating system on my Mac to Mavericks, and then I installed Lightroom 5 and Photoshop Elements 12. All I wanted to accomplish in post was to get a photo into Lightroom, play with some minor editing features, save a copy and export. As you can see, I accomplished that.

Lightroom is going to be very cool. I am now going to spend a fair amount of time mastering it. After that, or perhaps simultaneously, I will learn Photoshop. I would like to do some wild and crazy stuff.

I shot this in Aperture Priority mode at 200 ISO. Using Lightroom, I was able to bring out some of the dark shadowed areas of the photo. Example: Nikki's dark coat against the darker shadowy area between the apple stands. The camera did a pretty good job selecting a balance between the bright sky and the darker areas in the foreground.

The camera that I used was a Canon 7D. I shot the photo with a zoom 17mm to 135mm kit lens. The lens was set at 17mm for the widest possible angle. I wanted "Whole Foods" to appear in the picture.

Thanks for taking the time to review my description, and to consider my photograph. I don't know when I am going to move up to RAW format, but I hope soon.

Happy Shooting!

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